Friday, June 3, 2011


Genocide is going on as we speak. What must be in the billions, bugs are senselessly slaughtered everyday. Surely the world is big enough for the both of us.

PS: this is just a rant

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Society is largely composed of gaps. Gaps in logic. Gaps in intellect. Gaps in reason. Gaps in justice. Gaps in equality. But in this case I speak of socioeconomic gaps. Through the course of a society's lifespan, those who function as the make up of it's existence see changes. As people depart, they fall off like a rusted piece of metal in a pipeline. This in turn leads to gaps needing to be filled so that the water system will flow smoothly and properly. Some gaps are located in the not so pleasant areas like irrigation, and in relation to others some are more privileged than others as some gaps needing to be filled serve more clean stages of the system like water fountains. Similar gaps emerge as socioeconomic gaps. This perhaps is best understood in terms of jobs. Jobs need to be filled. In order for society to work smoothly these vacant positions or socioeconomic gaps need to be filled. In this sense, someone needs to make the hamburgers we eat, someone needs to clean our rubbish, someone needs to count corporate earnings. The question then becomes which gaps do I fill? Do I even have a say? Or is it dictated by circumstance?

PS: this is just a rant

Friday, May 13, 2011

Life in Copenhagen

DISTORTION FESTIVAL COPENHAGEN from Anders Hemmingsen on Vimeo.

I've been traveling through Europe, and spent most of my time in Copenhagen. This video epitomizes the city.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Flaws of Design

  • perhaps design's greatest flaw is in its attempt to make things precious
  • it loses sight of the true goal of making things seamlessly integrated into the everyday
  • the best designs are the ones that become banal
  • if it were really great design then we wouldn't be needing cases to protect its preciousness
  • if it were really great design then we wouldn't even realize it's there
  • its preciousness is narcissistic and egotistical/ self-centered in nature

Friday, March 18, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Job of the Artist

The "artist" can be understood as a societal conscience. The artist reminds us of our ridiculous ways and the fragility and temporality of life.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Technology Loop

I think we've all had this experience at some point. Caught in obsessive link clicking and internet updates. New show, Portlandia staring SNL's Fred Armisen, calls it the technology loop, but some may argue it to be simply procrastination.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Beethoven Love = iPhone Love

What does it mean when we love something, specifically when we talk in reverence of music or art. The frequency at which we "love" things in turn places works like Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata on par with the brand new iphone which we too say we "love." There's something problematic and unsettling about this (note: there are more unsettling things in the world than this). Surely the same language can not be used to show our appreciation for two completely different things. After all one is "Art," a cathartic and euphoric out of body and border line spiritual experience, and the other is simply a tool when seen in retrospect of technological innovation is no different than a cutting knife. But maybe they are on par. After all I am just a human being whose DNA is 98% exact to that of our chimp counterpart. Hence, maybe they are no different, as our consumption of "Art" is no different than our consumption and desire of all things shiny, just like that new iphone. Maybe that feeling of catharsis is no different than that shopping high we get.

Twitter search for the phrase 'I have nothing to say'

Ryan Barone- awesome site - awesome look into the nature of social media