Saturday, November 21, 2009

Theory on Life: Joe Rogan's Theory on Life VS Singing & Clapping Man

I can't say I had planned this remix, it somewhat organically happened as both of these videos had some sort of profound resonance, especially when viewed in juxtaposition. What happened was simply having two videos stand out in mind that promoted two very different ways of viewing the world. I feel that I am frequently on some ground agreeing with both very different perspectives. When I turn to the web for inspiration I am often caught between two extremes, which I have juxtaposed. On the one hand I am often faced with the inspiration of very serious political and philosophical ideas ethics, justice, and life, and on the other hand I face the radically opposite inspirational forms of happy-go-lucky/feel good/john lenon & love is all you need.

I still struggle to understand myself what happens in the mind of the viewer in relation to this remix. So what I think happens, is not an argument that is presented, but rather confronts the viewer in a way that provokes a critique or evaluation of human life. At least in terms of myself, I am confused and don't know which perspective of life to agree with (the pessimistic or happy-go-lucky).
Like the previous remix, this one has a certain profound humor, as the power of serious pessimistic philosophy on life death clashes with an endearing amateur folk singer who sings about a near death experience with a happy-go-lucky demeanor.

I smile and laugh while at the same time,
I'm forced to philosophize about human life

A similar artist is Franceso Vizzoli's E! True Hollywood Story
-in which I am not sure if it is a parody and I should laugh, or
-whether I should critically reflect upon a subconscious call to
deconstruct the perpetuated desire to be relevant and famous, or
-whether it is "truly" an E! Hollywood Story

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